Saturday, January 19, 2013

Low fat, Low calorie one pot dinner, PLUS Dessert!

It's that time of year again. It's just after New Years, and a few months before military PFA testing. Which means we are either trying to LOSE weight, or watch what we eat. Trying to think of a creative (meat free- I'm so burned out on meat, especially chicken and lean steak cuts), healthy, quick, and tasty meal tonight, I remembered some of the random pasta dishes my mother in law makes. The flavors pack a punch, but they are light and refreshing. So I dug around in the kitchen and put something together! It was AMAZING. I am proud of myself for making a meal (in one pot in a half hour) that had less then 500 calories, and about 5 grams of total fat. The dessert is about 115 calories, and 2.5 grams of fat. Here are the recipes!

4 Vegetable Pasta (makes about 4-6 servings):

1 Can of stewed tomatoes-drained
6 medium sized mushrooms
1/4 cup of sliced red onion
1/2 thinly sliced red pepper
1/2 box of rotini pasta
garlic,pepper, Italian seasoning, onion powder to taste
cooking spray

1.) boil pasta until aldente (7-9 minutes)
2.) strain pasta- do not rinse- leave in strainer
3.) spray same pot with cooking spray, heat over medium
4.)saute onion, red pepper, and mushrooms until just tender
5.) add in tomatoes and heat about 3 minutes- add in garlic, onion powder, Italian seasoning and pepper
6.) turn heat to medium-low and toss pasta and veggies together in pot. Heat for about 3 minutes stirring occasionally. 

Serve with a side of steamed vegetables.

Chocolate Banana Smoothie:

1 chocolate snack pack
1 ripe banana

Toss all in blender and enjoy!

Who said low fat foods were bland? :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Family Friendly Outings

Family Friendly Outings That Wont Have You Spending a Fortune, or Tearing Your Hair Out. 

One thing you learn REALLY fast when you don't have a babysitter is how to juggle an infant or toddler so you can still get out of the house. We go everywhere with our son for the most part. We have learned how to do pretty much everything a normal couple with a babysitter does WITH our child. While I still REALLY need to find a good babysitter so we can go on dates baby-free, we have learned how to cope without one. Below are some of our favorite (and soon to be favorite) kid friendly outings that are fun for parents too! 

1.) The Park- I can't stress how important it is to take your child to the park, no matter what age they are. My son's first outing to the park was at four months old. Now that he is ten months old and climbing, chasing, ect. It is a blast for him. Take a ball, some snacks, sunscreen, a large blanket, and some favorite toys and have playtime outdoors. Lounge in the shade or sun, and enjoy the time with your child. It can be pretty peaceful. Point out objects, and let them touch them. Grass, leaves, dirt, flowers, rock. Be careful not to let your child eat anything! Be watchful for poison oak or poison ivy as well if you live in an area where they are prevalent. Parks are not only fun and a great learning experience for little ones, but you will be surprised how some fresh air can knock your little one into a deep slumber after a few hours. 

2.) Drive in Movies- Depending on where you live they DO still have these! They are perfect for parents with little ones who get restless in a theater. They are generally not as loud as movies in the theater as well. You may even get your little one to sleep in their car seat the whole time! If they make a fuss, you wont have other people eyeing you for having a crying baby. 

3.) Mommy Movies. The Bump has a great program where they have mommy movies every month. It is a matinee where you can bring your baby, and is for parents with small children ONLY. The only drawback is they only have one movie per month, and it has never been anything above a PG-13 rating.

4.) Buffet restaurants- Most are very inexpensive for children, and free for toddlers. If you have a small child, baby, ect. that eats at least some table food, it is worth every penny. Family restaurants like Red Robin and Ihop have the standard kids menus, but at a buffet you have more variety- meaning a higher likely hood of finding something your child enjoys, and there are a TON of HEALTHY finger food options for babies and kids. We went the other night ourselves and our son feasted on peas, shredded cheese, cottage cheese, jello, macaroni and cheese, kidney beans, and beets. The time before he had mixed veggies, beets, kidney beans, steamed rice, and yogurt. Since buffets are also generally louder and geared towards families, nobody looks twice at a crying or babbling baby, and you and your significant other can relax, eat slowly, and get whatever you want to eat. 

5.) Family restaurants with a bar- Applebees, Red Robin, TGI Fridays, Chilies, ect. Go earlier in the evening when it is still mostly families. If your child is older, order them their food when you order your drinks and appetizers so it comes out first. This gives you the ability to relax, eat, and have a few "adult drinks". Just make sure you plan to take a cab, or have a designated driver ahead of time, only TWO-THREE REGULAR STRENGTH DRINKS  is enough to make the average person legally intoxicated. 2 beers, 2 glasses of wine, or 1 cocktail is safe and legal for MY husband. If you have even ONE double cocktail, margarita, or three beers, you need to call a cab, whether or not you are "buzzed". The last thing you want is to either be in an accident, or get pulled over with your child in the car. 

6.) Shopping malls- I ONLY recommend this if you have a baby or a VERY young toddler, before they get a bad case of the "I wants". They are so curious about everything most babies are fascinated if you show them objects you are looking at. Even little boys are in wonder at the sparkle of jewelry and women's boutique stores. 

7.) The beach- we have yet to do this one, but it is in the works for spring. This is a toddler and child activity, I am sure you can take a younger baby, but I am overprotective about the sun. Make it family friendly, don't expect to be sipping secret cocktails and reading a book. Bring sunscreen, water, juice, snacks, shovels, and pails. If you toddler loves water like mine, slap a life jacket on them and take them into the shallow water. If not, show them shells, tide pools, and kelp. Let them pick up little rocks and put them in a bucket, help them build a sand castle. Let them help bury you in the sand. Just make sure you bring and STAY ON TOP OF the sunscreen. You need to reapply it every few hours, so pay attention to the directions on the bottle and the time. 

There are many, MANY more. Even the grocery store can be fun for children if you let it be. I am sure I will be posting more of these in the future. My little family has lots of fun together. :)