Sunday, October 28, 2012

At the heart of election season, here are some facts.

So, this is MY blog. (Notice the red? :) It's for Romney/Ryan). I can be myself here, and if people don't like it they can choose not to read. I recently composed this little blurb on Facebook, but thought it would look SO PRETTY on here where I can highlight and emphasize! :D

I did some fact digging, history checking and such (which is a lot because I am NOT a history buff.. meehhh). I found some interesting things out. Here are the facts:

FUNNY SHIT! I did a little history digging (idk, maybe my sister coming out in me? I like to think she would be proud).
The things Democrats Blame republicans for happened under Democratic watch! 

OPEC: Opposed by Nixon, passed by Carter, Oil regulation caused gas prices to soar, and soared some more (Obama rejected the Keystone pipeline that would essentially make us energy independent, and dependent on countries he is pulling out of)
SUB PRIME MORTGAGES (or the mortgage crises): Started in the Clinton Administration- government mandates basically forced banks to give people mortgages that could not afford them, and it was blamed on bush in 2003 when everything went to hell in a hand basket.
Trade with China:This one is a hard-case with democrats. Taking jobs to China is bad when we don't have any at home. This blame is often placed with Nixon (and rightly so) because he originally opened up trade with China, but put legislation in course where all of our allies have the equal opportunity to as well.
       --------> HOWEVER it was under CLINTON that this trade agreement was made permanent and opened up LARGE amounts to trade with China. CLINTON effectively opened up trade in China.

The Things Democrats say republicans are either against, or want to take away have hard roots in Republicans, not Democrats:

Roe V Wade (abortion right): Passed 7-2, 5 of the 7 were appointed by Reagan
Women's sufferage: Passed by a 52% republican senate

On the topic of military and Foreign policy: out of the top 5 best presidents, 2 were republican, 3 democratic- all stressing the importance of military strength and foreign relations (Kennedy, Reagan, Bush (jr), Eisenhower, and Roosevelt who was "a little left of center").  4 of the 5 WORST for foreign policy were DEMOCRATIC! INCLUDING THE WORST- Lyndon B Johnson. (we take responsibility for Nixon)- (Nixon, Truman, Wilson,  Carter, and Lyndon Johnson). 
------>Of course, Obama isn't on the list yet, but I'm sure he will be, he officially snubbed Isreal (our ally), sent back the bust of Winston Churchill to England (our ally) (kind of the equivalent to sending the statue of liberty back to France), and told Russia (our kind of not really ally which is kinda on our "to watch" list) (on CAMERA) that "this is my last election, I will have more freedom after November". 

So let history speak, let freedom ring. I just HOPE that the CHANGE planned doesn't move us FORWARD into a crumbling nation. 

Yes, my sources are cited, so suck it.

*Housing Crisis:
*Women's sufferage:
*Roe V Wade:
*Foreign policy leaders and screwers:
*China Trade act:

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